9 x Trademark Submissions - Warton Metals


We will prepare and file 9 x trademarks, with logos if applicable, in the appropriate classes:

  1. Nexus - 1 & 6

  2. Autosol - 6

  3. Ecowave - 1

  4. Surf Clean - 3 & 1

  5. Total Clean - 1 & 3

  6. Future - 1 & 3

  7. Activ8 - 1 & 6

  8. Omega - 6

  9. Microprint - 1 & 3

Please confirm if you are updating the names (or simply include the names in the instruction form) as per the suggestion in the report and submit the updated logos by attaching to an email and sending to one of the email addresses we have been using to correspond with you. Please note that the text that is submitted has to match the logo and vice versa.

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