Trademark Information and FAQS

Just registered your company name with Companies House?

Unfortunately that doesn’t mean you can trade under it.

A trademark guarantees you can.

Initiate your trademark registration with us by instructing us to undertake a search of the trademark registries for your business and brand name.

Do you provide business startup services?

Yes! To be trademark & IP specialists we also need to be business startup experts. We have helped lots of customers set up many different businesses from Pasta Sauce to Digital Tech companies, even if you are a sole trader, independent or SME we can help you throughout your startup journey. Check out our ‘Ultimate Business Startup Package’ under services

I’ve registered my Company at Companies House so I can trademark the name right?

The short answer unfortunately is no. Lots of startups and new businesses register their business name at Companies House thinking if they can successfully register the name then they automatically get the right to trademark it, well that’s incorrect. Companies House and IPO are completely separate and unfortunately some Government systems are still not linked which means the IPO office doesn’t have visibility of your new business. This means you still need to apply to register it as a trademark. As you can see that creates a process deficit, you may have registered your name at Companies House but aren’t aware if a similar name, product or service has been registered as a trademark. This is where our Search & Advice report services are invaluable. Before you spend lots of money on backing the wrong brand come chat to us first. We’re here to help.

What makes Trademarks for You™ different from other trademark management and IP firms?

We are trademark and intellectual property registration experts who have successfully registered lots of different trademarks for lots of different businesses and brands. Trademark and IP management is time consuming, costly and complicated if you don’t have the right skills, knowledge or experience, we ultimately save you time and above all else money. We do it all for you.

How long does it take to register a trademark?

From start to finish it takes about 3 months for your trademark to get registered. It will take a bit longer for US registrations.

Do you handle patents and registered designs?

Yes we do. Our team are trained to conduct the appropriate searches and to manage any registration requests. Talk to us about your needs.

Is it expensive?

Our fees are the most competitive out of all the trademark and IP firms. We are SME champions. If you are starting a new business you should be budgeting for trademark registration, it’s just best practice and de-risks your business continuity down the line.

What happens if my logo is similar to an earlier trademark?

The Search & Advice report will identify any marks (and businesses) which are similar to yours, we’ll analyse the mark and make a recommendation based on that. We may advise you to amend your logo slightly to ensure a successful registration or we may feel we can still continue with the trademark application. That’s why you benefit from us being a one stop shop, we can do it all at the same time.

What if someone opposes my application?

The Search & Advice report is designed to inform us of any possible oppositions for your application, however there may be some 3rd parties, for whatever reason, who file for opposition, we will correspond with these 3rd parties on your behalf and if required refer you to one of our legal partners. We successfully negotiated with a well know bread brand company on behalf of our Kingsman client, the resulting compromise suited everyone and ended in a successful registration for our client.

How does Brexit impact UK trademarks?

The short answer is there shouldn’t be any noticeable impact to you UK registered trademark. If however you have an EU registered trademark then the UK IPO office has created comparable trademarks that will have the same legal rights and status.

Trademarks for You are business startup experts

What does the Search & Advice report provide?

It’s like buying a house. We need to undertake a survey. The survey is designed to see if there are any earlier trademarks which have been registered which are similar to yours, you may be backing the wrong brand which will ultimately cost you money and we don’t want to push ahead with a trademark registration knowing there’s a high chance of opposition, basically we don’t want to be wasting your money or your time (or ours!). Our Search & Advice report is also a great way to get insightful competitor analytical information so you can see what your competitors are doing.

Do I receive a formal certificate?

Yes! As soon as your trademark is successfully registered you will receive a formal registration certificate from the appropriate Intellectual Property Office which will last for 10 years.

What are the benefits of a trademark?

Your business name and brand is your main business asset. They need to be protected and you need to be able to grow. Having a trademark allows you to grow and expand and protect your name if somebody else is infringing upon it. Trademarked brands and businesses transmit quality signals to consumers, this increases consumer call to action ratio’s which basically mean increased sales and revenue. Trademarks are actually property so they are also a great investment as you can mortgage, licence or even sell your trademark. Contact us today and get trademarked.

Do you handle international trademarks?

Yes. Our intellectual property team are highly skilled in UK, EU, US and International trademark management and registration. We have cultivated great relationships with the governing bodies to help us navigate through some of the complexities when managing international applications.

Do I really need to trademark my business and brand?

Do you have home and property insurance? Yes? Then you should invest in a trademark to protect your business and brand name. At the very least it drives and reinforces customers perceptions about you and your business. It means you’re serious and are serious about delivering quality products and services. Trademarks are property, they can be mortgaged, licensed and sold and are actually a great investment.

Who are you?

We are business change professionals who have spent the last 20+ years delivering multi-million pound programmes and projects for blue chip organisations. Always entrepreneurial we launched Trademarks for You™ in response to the need to support SMEs protect their businesses and brand, we also saw there was a need to set up a one stop shop. We are part of the MBC Group.

Trademarks for You. Register a trade mark

Our two step registration process is designed to save you time and money