Trademark Search and Advice Report - 6 for 4 Discount Offer

Sale Price:£196.00 Original Price:£294.00

Step 1 of Registration Process

Comprehensive search of the Trademark Journals to see if you can trademark your business and brand name before you pay any step 2 registration fees.

Trademarking your business and brand reinforces your customers brand perception, this increases your customer call to action % which translates into increased sales.

Before we apply for trademark registration we need to understand your business and brand name trademark position, knowing this information mitigates the risk of costly trademark registration re-submissions. Our trademark search and advice reporting service captures this information as well as in-depth competitor analysis so you’ll know exactly who and what your competition is. The report then risk assesses the likelihood of opposition from any earlier and similar marks we may find, this saves you time and money in relation to step 2 which is the preparation and filing of your application.

Once we’ve produced your report we will then discuss the next steps in your trademark registration application.

The Process

❂ First we conduct an in-depth search of all the intellectual property registries and journals in the UK, EU , US and internationally

❂ Then we undertake a detailed deep dive of all online search engines which includes Google, Bing, Yahoo etc

❂ The information we capture includes competitor analysis information for your business and data about any earlier and similar marks (logos etc) that have already been registered

❂ We risk assess your business and brand name in relation to the likelihood of opposition from any earlier and similar marks we may find, the report provides a traffic light risk score which forms part of our analysis, the traffic lights scores are: GREEN/AMBER - AMBER - AMBER/RED - RED

❂ We then compile and send you the detailed Search & Advice report which is the first step in the process


❂ Our two step approach means we save you time and money, if the report scores AMBER, AMBER/RED or RED then this implies there’s a medium to high chance of opposition from any similar and earlier trademark holders we find. Having and knowing this information allows you to make an informed business decision on the move to step 2 of the process

❂ We also offer a more competitive professional handling fee compared to other trademark and IP firms who offer free search services but then inflate their registration costs. Additionally their automated search applications are too simplistic and sometimes inaccurate, these automated services don’t consider word and logo combinations, whereas all our searches are completed by a member of our trademark and IP team which enables us to produce detailed and accurate reports

❂ Duration: Normally within 1 business day

❂ Price: £196 ex vat

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